Kenny Chesney…can I just say AMAZING!! Alex & Mandee invited us to go with them & we had a blast! We have never been away from Mason for the night & so it was a first because we stayed with Mandee & Alex at a hotel. Where to begin…how about Alex’s driving…haha if I were in the front seat instead of the back I would have been totally fine, but I get SOO motion sick!! My stomach was not feeling to good!! We went to eat, I told them I didn’t care just to pick a place, well that wasn’t the best idea, we went to Red Lobster. I hate fish. Crab. Shrimp. Anything that lives in the water…YUCK! Luckly, the night did progress! We checked into the hotel & hung out with some friends until the concert. We missed Uncle Kracker but got to see Billy Currington & Kenny! They were awesome! It was so much fun! Alex is quite the dancer!